I was trembling too much to plant the acorn, when, out of nowhere, lightning hit the oak that killed me.
My mind has been boggled by the big —
My mind has been boggled by the small —
But a mind just hasn't been boggled
Till it's been boggled by the All!
Someone, perhaps it was me, has said that "Life is not such a journey as I would care to take alone; the world is not such a place as I would care to walk through alone."
Hauck's Law: When something falls on the floor — If it's hard, it will be sharp; if it's liquid, it will be slippery; and you may be certain that your foot will find it.
A person who could be surprised by this comment is a person who would be surprised too often to be of any interest to me.
Copernicus reversed (righted?) the order (or the knowledge) of the physical universe — Swedenborg righted our concept of the spiritual universe. What were our "idealist"* conceptions are the actual and our individual, "actual" understandings are abstractions from that reality.
*cf. Durrell's "Big, oblong words" or abstractions.
I think of a city like London or Paris only as though seen from a thousand-meter height; but, Chicago you can take at sea level.
If you live constantly in fear of the unlikely, the inevitable will undoubtedly catch you unaware.
Friday, February 12, 2010
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I relish in the unlikely......not sure how I deal with the curve balls that come my way, but I do not duck when they do......I leap for the catch!